Laparoscopic Revisions

Revisions of previous weight loss surgeries

How it works:

Over the last several years a number of patients who had undergone previous weight loss surgery are now finding themselves regaining weight and have questions about possible surgical revision of their initial procedure. Although data for the prevalence and success of reoperation are limited, Dr. Frantzides has performed a large number of laparoscopic revisions for patients who have previously undergone procedures like adjustable gastric banding, vertical banded gastroplasty (stomach stapling), and duodenal switch. In addition he has performed laparoscopic revision procedures for reduction of gastric pouches and/or constructing a longer intestinal bypass. Re-operations can be technically challenging. Furthermore, patients may have extensive abdominal adhesions, ulcers, inflammation, bowel obstruction, metabolic disturbances, and other problems attributed to the initial surgery. Many surgeons may not have the experience or be willing to undertake the risks of a second operation, especially laprascopically, but having experience and success with many of these patients, Dr. Frantzides is open to speaking to anyone considering a revision.

We here at the Chicago Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery offer laparoscopic revisions and we are proud to say that Dr. Frantzides has the largest series in the world on the subject, which he presented to his peers at the American Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons’ (SLS) Meeting (2017) in San Francisco where he was the Key-Note-Speaker on the subject. In addition he has published the results of his study in the Journal of the Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons in January 2019.

Relevant articles published by Dr. Frantzides on the procedure:

Frantzides, C.T., Zografakis J.G., Welle, S.N., Ruff, T. M. Revisional bariatric surgery. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Frantzides, C.T., Carlson, M.A,.Eds, Sounders/Elsevier pp 71-78; 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Conversion of Adjustable Gastric Band to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass .Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery. Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Removal of Eroded Adjustable Gastric Band and Conversion to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with Partial Gastrectomy. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Reduction of a Large Gastric Pouch. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Revision of Gastrojejunostomy Due to Anastomotic Ulcer with Fistula to the Gastric Remnant. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Revision of Jejunojejunostomy. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Conversion of Failed Vertical Banded Gastroplasty to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides, C.T., Welle, S., Laparoscopic Conversion of Mini-Loop Gastric Bypass to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sounders Elsevier 2013

Frantzides C. T., Frantzides A. T., “Laparoscopic Revision of Failed Bariatric Procedures, J. Surg. Sc., in Press, 2018

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